Want to pick my brain??

Love, with all of the scary shit going on in the world, I’m going to take a wild guess that your mindset is taking a hit.

Maybe you’ve had an IVF cycle canceled.

Maybe you are worried about loved ones.

Maybe you are worried about how the pandemic could impact your efforts to TTC naturally.

Maybe you are in the early stages of your miracle pregnancy and you just want to keep this baby safe.

Wherever you are on your journey, I am ready to help.

There’s no better time to be working on your bulletproof fertility mindset!

As part of my community of HELL YES women, who aren’t going to let shit get in their way of being a Mom, you are invited to a very special “Pick My Brain Session.”

This is your chance to ask me any questions you wish about thinking, believing, and taking action like a woman who succeeds on her fertility journey–and it’s my gift.

Here’s how to join in the AWESOMENESS:

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

11:00 AM PST/2:00 PM EST/6:00 PM BST

Join Zoom Meeting Online: https://zoom.us/j/304870872

Run Time: 60 minutes

**Simply click on the link to join the call from your computer or mobile device.

There will NOT be a replay, so be there LIVE.

“See” you Wednesday.

Change your mindset, change your results.

Lots of love,

Rosanne offers a variety of programs to help you on your fertility journey — from Self-study, to Live, to Private Coaching.